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Domain 3: Academic Excellence Data Library

School Profile


For Information on the schoolwide course of study, please see the number of credits and required courses for graduation.  For the names and sequences of courses available to students, please see the school Course Catalog 





Syllabi and Curriculum Maps

















Schoolwide Academic Policies


Spreadsheet of all teachers



Sample Student Work

























Teacher Observation Form

Teacher Self-Reflection Form

Department Chair Observation Form


6.Schoolwide technology plan


Programs for Students with Special Learning Needs.


Standardized test data:





















Common Assessment PLC Data Review

Evidence of regular review and analysis of student learning data through PLC’s and examples of schoolwide review and improvement of curriculum and instructional practices can be found with our Common Assessment Review:

World Language Common Assessment Data

Religion Common Assessment Data

English Common Assessment Data

Math Common Assessment Data

Social Studies Common Assessment Data

Science Common Assessment Data



Co-curricular, extracurricular programs, and athletics:  



Red and Gold


Modes and frequency that academic progress is reported from school to home:

Teachers and Counselors regularly contact parents when students are struggling in classes.

We report grades Quarterly as a progress report on Aeries.

Report cards are emailed to families at the end of both semesters.


Programs of Support for Students Who Struggle


​Programs of support for students' social-emotional well-being


Description of student learning support 


Description of Academic Guidance Program:

Rosary Counseling Department


Rosary Academy has a student-to-counselor ratio of 141 students for each counselor.  We also have a counselor for students with documented learning differences who has approximately 40 students.



















Our counselors meet with each family at least once a year.  In addition, our counselors accept appointments on an as-needed basis.


College readiness through the years 


We use email and Naviance to communicate with parents.  In addition, we host an annual parent education night for each grade level.



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