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Domain 2: Governance and Leadership

 Standards and Benchmarks


Standard 5 - An excellent Catholic school has a governing body (person or persons) which recognizes and respects the role(s) of the appropriate and legitimate authorities, and exercises responsible decision making (authoritative, consultative, advisory) in collaboration with the leadership team for development and oversight of the school’s fidelity to mission, academic excellence, and operational vitality.


Domain 2 - Standard 5 




















Rosary’s leadership structure has been solidified and strengthened with the creation of positions, allocation of talent, and implementation of various boards. The ability to successfully communicate this leadership structure to various stakeholders has created an environment of collaboration and positive input.  The school leadership is further strengthened by an active and visionary bishop, school superintendent, and their offices and personnel. The school’s leadership structures can be further strengthened with leadership/board personnel training and with the addition of board members who best represent the diversity of the Rosary community.



Key Strengths for Standard 5  (1-2 in bulleted list)

  • The creation, implementation, and communication of an organizational structure and organizational chart that works for the community and is understood by shareholders. 

  • The strength of the relationship with the bishop, the educational superintendent, and the office of Catholic schools. 


Key Growth Areas for Standard 5 (1-2 in bulleted list)

  • Introduce training sessions for both the leadership team and the consultative school board.

  • Ensure that the makeup of the consultative school board more accurately reflects the school community.



5.1​ The leadership team and associated boards function effectively and competently in accordance with diocesan guidelines.


5.2 Current, former, and future leaders – both groups and individuals – are able to continue the school’s mission via clearly articulated operations policies.


5.3 The leadership team and diocesan leadership have formed an especially effective working relationship in recent years due to the personal efforts of the Bishop of Orange to make the health of the school a priority.  Spiritual, operational, and monetary resources have been abundant.


5.4 The superintendent of schools and her staff have followed the lead of the bishop in making Rosary’s success a priority for the diocese.  The strengthening of the superintendent’s office in recent years to include specific staff that helps high schools has benefitted Rosary’s operational vitality.


5.5  We declined to score Rosary in this area due to our status as a diocesan school, not a parish school.


5.6 The leadership team, as currently composed, and the various boards – though competent and effective – have not yet engaged in the volume or manner of training that the WCEA instrument calls for.



Evidence (Links)

Standard 5.1 -- Benchmark level 3

Consultative school board link to constitution and bylaws


Standard 5.2 -- Benchmark level 3

Minutes of board meetings (Password Protected).


Standard 5.3 -- Benchmark level 4

  Our relationship with the Bishop is evident through his active participation in our   community as evidenced by his participation in mass, regular visitations and acting   in our school productions. 


Standard 5.4 -- Benchmark level 4

  Head of school and the superintendent meet monthly

  Principal meets with the superintendent bi-weekly

  Rosary maintains quarterly meetings with the CFO of the Diocese


Standard 5.5 -- Benchmark level N/A.

We are not a parish school.


Standard 5.6 – Benchmark level 2

Evidence of consultative board formation and on-going training as a faithful commitment.



Standard 6 - An excellent Catholic school has a qualified leader/leadership team empowered by the governing body to realize and implement the school’s mission and vision.  â€‹



Domain 2 - Standard 6 Scores























School leadership is able to consistently and effectively articulate the school’s mission and vision.  Regular opportunities for professional growth and faith formation ensure that all staff share in the implementation of that mission and share in the vision for a strong future.  The delivery systems used for communication must be perfected so that all stakeholders receive important information in both a timely and appropriate manner.  The implementation of more effective data collection and interpretation will put the school on a stronger path.




Key Strengths for Standard 6  (1-2 in bulleted list)

  • The consistency of the articulation of the school’s mission and vision, together with opportunities for professional growth and faith formation for all members of staff. 

  • The school adheres to diocesan practices regarding personnel, the consultative school board, and diocesan relationships and reporting.


Key Growth Areas for Standard 6 (1-2 in bulleted list)

  • The speed, accuracy, and delivery systems of various modes of communication need to be refined, so that messaging is delivered to appropriate stakeholders in a more careful manner.

  • School leadership needs to implement a system to collect and interpret data in a way that will more meaningfully inform and support academic growth.



6.1 The leadership team has achieved certified, licensed, and certificated competence at all levels required to run a school of this type.


6.2 The school leaders and leadership team, together with the boards, articulate the school’s mission and vision regularly, both during in-person sessions and as part of a larger strategy of electronic communication.


6.3 School leaders follow all diocesan policies regarding the recruitment, retainment, formation, development, and evaluation of school employees in a manner that effectively enhances the school’s mission.


6.4 The leadership team establishes and supports networks of collaboration throughout the school, though efforts to do so “at all levels within the school community” will continue as directed by the document.


6.5 School leaders are committed to developing and improving curriculum and instruction.  The acquisition and interpretation of data in a systematic way will be a priority as the school continues to strengthen its programs.


6.6 On-site leaders collaborate with diocesan officials regularly and effectively in creating and sustaining programs that ensure operational vitality.


6.7 School leaders are effective, timely, and comprehensive in using a variety of methods to communicate program changes to all school stakeholders.


Evidence (Links)

Standard  6.1 – Benchmark level: 3

Postings of faculty and staff biographies

Budget line for professional development  (Password Protected).

Job descriptions (Password Protected).

Policies and/or directives regarding credential requirements

School-wide plan for professional development


Standard 6.2 – Benchmark level:  3

Mission and Vision statement postings


Standard 6.3 – Benchmark level:  3

Personnel policies and updates

Professional development plans for all administrators, faculty and staff

Yearly appraisal/assessment plans and procedures


Standard 6.4 -- Benchmark level:  2

Budget allocations for networks (Password Protected).

School schedule


Standard 6.5 -- Benchmark level: 2

Curriculum and curriculum maps demonstrating alignments

Development and enrollment marketing materials  (Password Protected).

Student achievement national, local and school-wide recognition and awards

Budget allocations (Password Protected).


Standard 6.6 -- Benchmark level:  3

Policies for facilities, human resources, finance, development and marketing

Budget allocations of strategic dollars (Password Protected)

Sample job descriptions/expectations for Leadership team (Password Protected)

Minutes and reports from parent meetings and gatherings (Password Protected)

Community surveys in the Data Library 

Feasibility Study Findings (Password Protected)

Budget Communications - Annual Report


Standard 6.7 -- Benchmark level:  2

Feasibility Study Findings (Password Protected)

Social media end of year metrics i.e. youtube, tweets, web blasts, web postings, etc. (Password Protected)

Job descriptions(Password Protected).


Summary of Domain 2 


Rosary’s leadership structure has been solidified and strengthened by creating positions, allocating talent, and implementing various boards. The ability to successfully communicate this leadership structure to various stakeholders has created an environment of collaboration and positive input.  The school leadership is further strengthened by an active and visionary bishop, school superintendent, and their offices and personnel. The school’s leadership structures can be further strengthened with leadership/board personnel training and the addition of board members who best represent the diversity of the Rosary community.


School leadership is able to consistently and effectively articulate the school’s mission and vision.  Regular opportunities for professional growth and faith formation ensure that all staff share in the implementation of that mission and share in the vision for a strong future.  The delivery systems used for communication must be perfected so that all stakeholders receive important information in both a timely and appropriate manner.  The implementation of more effective data collection and interpretation will put the school on a stronger path.













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